July Happy Planner Designs
Hello! July Already!? Summer sure is wizzin’ by!
For the first week in July I was prepared to do a 4th of July spread full of Red, White and Blue stickers. I spent a very long time making stickers for it too, but I end up not liking the way it turned out. Ugh. I didn’t even finish it, because recently I have been making bullet point stickers for each day. I disliked it so much that I decided I just couldn’t look at it all week and went back and created something else. I guess the vision I had in my head was really different than the way it actually came out. Oh well.
This is what I originally made:
This is what I made when I went back and re-did the spread:
Which one do you like better? I really wanted to be in the holiday spirit, but just couldn’t get over how much I didn’t like it. Looking back on it a couple days later, I guess it’s not as bad as I first thought.
Anyway, thank goodness I have a spare planner that I found on clearance so I had an extra copy of the pages for this week. You may also notice that I decided to do another Dashboard layout. I really do like the way that they keep turning out. It’s been a very functional way to arrange the week. The designs are cleaner and well organized. If you like this layout as well, check out my designs from June for some inspiration.
In addition, I’ve been toying with the idea of adding another planner to my collection. This time I’m thinking of branching outside of the Happy Planner brand and using an A5 size. At some point I will need to adjust my sticker designs to fit that planner size and having one to do that with will be necessary. I figured I could use it for work and possibly make my own custom planner pages for fitness. I’ve used the Happy Planner fitness pages in the past, but I’ve really struggled with them because I’ve always felt like I didn’t have enough writing space. Here’s a month where I posted some of my fitness spreads. Scroll down to the last half of the post to see them. It’s just not enough space. If I only documented my meals then it would be fine, but I like to jot down notes about how I felt after I ate particular foods and how my stomach reacted to them. I also like to note how my overall energy was that day and how I felt during my workouts…etc. I’m sure I could use a separate daily sheet just for fitness, so I think I will make something on my own for that… and maybe offer that when my store is up and running. So much to do!
For the next week of the month I wanted to use a maroon tone so this is what I came up with.
I liked the way it turned out, but Instagram thought otherwise. Anyway, even with the large quote sticker there is still lots of room to write, which is good because I still have quite a bit to write down this week to get my sticker store ready.
Also, I finally found a Filofax planner that I like and I took the plunge and ordered it. It should be here in a couple days so I am really excited about that! Problem is, it will be pretty empty until I can finalize the planner inserts I want to use. I drew up a daily insert for my work meeting and tasks and then when it seemed like what I needed, I created a version in Microsoft Word. That is working out as well, so I will likely finalize it and print some pages for use. It’s a process, right?
Update! The Filofax Malden arrived! They call the color ‘Stone’. I was expecting it to be more gray, but I’d say it’s actually closer to being in the beige family. Still very, very beautiful! It comes well packaged and the quality is absolutely fantastic! The stitching is perfect and leather is soooper smooth. If you like the smell of leather, you will enjoy having it nearby all day. The zipper pocket is beautifully lined and the hardware is all very well made. It even came with a pen! There are inserts that are also included, but I don’t think I’ll be using any of them so I took them out. I can see it’s exceptionally well constructed so the price may be justified.
This is the inside along with the included inserts and the packaging:
As I mentioned before, I made some mock up planner pages for my daily work so that I could tryout the paper size to make sure it would meet my needs. This is the first one I actually decorated. I probably won’t decorate my work planner pages every day because I would burn through stickers pretty fast, but the pages I have done, I have enjoyed looking at each day. I need to design a daily fitness template as well and then I still need to figure out how to get my templates to print on both sides of my paper so that they line up on both sides when the paper is cut. Word has not been cooperating with that. Here are a couple decorated pages:
Then for my Happy Planner, I’m still using the Dashboard layout, but I’m not sure for how much longer. Now that my families sports activities and appointments are resuming, my schedule is taking up more room, leaving less for my ToDo items. I love the light colors in this spread and the hint of rose gold foils. 😍
For my next week in the month I used some bright stickers from the Happy Planner – Layered Florals sticker book. I think what I like about this particular book is that there are many coordinated floral stickers with boxes and functional To Do type stickers. I didn’t have to go through any other Happy Planner stickers books this time to make what I thought was a complete spread. I added in my own Coffee Quote, Weekly Menu sticker and the Dot stickers to bullet out my tasks and appointments, but that was about it. Pretty simple, but fun and bright as well. 🧡
For the last Happy Planner spread of July I felt like doing hot pink and black. Well, as you can see I changed my mind. I went into the Happy Planner florals book looking for hot pink flowers and found these florals that I liked better. I think the color theme in these flowers are one of my absolute favorites. I did a horizontal layout with them back in April that was a huge hit on Instagram and Pinterest.
For my Filofax, the planner I’m using for work, these are the spreads I made for the last week of the month.
Well, that’s a wrap on July! Click here if you’re ready to see my August designs.