January Happy Planner Designs
Happy New Year to you! I hope it’s off to great start!
Mine has started off well. Busy, but it’s all good. I usually have several spinning plates up in the air at the same time. With work and family and then I’m also currently a student with a plan to make a career change in the future. Anyway, we’re all busy, which is why our planners keep us on task.
Last months planner pages were so much fun to design. I enjoyed the new Horizontal layout and Christmas colors… they were beautiful and functional. With that, I’m looking forward to all of the creativity ahead of me in 2020!
Starting off with January…
This one shot up to the top of my favorites list! I LOVE purple and to be able to incorporate it into my planner was awesome! The photo doesn’t pick up very well that some of the stickers are a metallic rose gold. Those, paired with the purple and grey, just worked so well together. I really wasn’t a rose gold fan before this spread, but I will definately be using it more often in the future. 💜 I also decided to color in the leaf pattern that comes on the page to try and incorporate more color into the design.
When I started the design below, I actually walked away from it to think it thru. I have The Happy Planner – Homebody sticker pack and I really like the stickers in it….couldn’t wait to use them in fact, but when I got to work I just wasn’t sure. Maybe I just wasn’t in a creative mood then…. it happens, right? So I went back to it the next day and finished it. I ended up really liking the way it turned out in the end. Was pretty popular on Instagram too.
I was inspired with the tropical theme when I saw the “Shine On” themed sticker in lower right hand corner on the spread below. I’m also quite tired of the cold, gloom, and snow of Winter so I was thinking warmer thoughts. 🌴
For the last spread of January, I went back to a Winter theme. I used foiled Washi tape and stickers mainly from The Happy Planner – Winter sticker book. Some of the stickers, like the snowflakes, are a light blue foil that I’m drawn too….LOVE the foils lately!! I hope The Happy Planner continues to incorporate them in their sticker packs. Maybe an all foil pack someday? I also made a change to the binding area. Reason being, on a Winter themed page, I didn’t want the tropical type leaves that are pre-printed on the paper in the month of January. Was probably overthinking it all, but that’s what I do. 🤪 So I cut out the center binding from another spare planner and glued it down on top of the paper, which has small dots instead. It’s a much better look, I think.
Onto February next… and if the Groundhog would just do his best to keep Winter as short a possible, I’d really appreciate it!
Wishing you a productive month!