April Planner Designs
Hello and welcome back! I hope you are enjoying Spring so far wherever you are.
Last month I wrote about how I ordered some undated Cloth & Paper Dashboard inserts for my A5. I figured that if I had undated it would be less to cover if I didn’t use them every week. And, if you’ve looked around my site you already know that I can’t make up my mind and have had no loyalty to a particular planner style this year.
Well, the order came in and I decided to use them this month. The more I use them the more I like them, but I still feel like my planning journey is on a roller coaster. It’s a process, right?
And for work….
Next up. Another Cloth & Paper spread with stickers from The Happy Planner as well as some of my own. I haven’t given up on opening my sticker store, just been very busy with my full time job, life in general, and I don’t want to bite off more than I can chew. In the meantime, I am still designing stickers so that when the store does open, there will be several kinds to chose from.
This is what I came up with for my work planning pages:
For the next week of the month I chose these deep purple floral and gold foiled stickers from the Happy Planner. Was a bold planner spread look at all week and pretty popular on Instagram as well. 💜
For the next week of April, I found some floral Clipart on Etsy and then later spent quite a bit of time converting it into stickers. I also made some matching boxes and dots. My hope is to add some of the florals to a color coordinated set of stickers for the store. These were lovely to look at all week.
Then for work I came up with these. When I found the purple floral clipart I also bought similar designs in blue, aqua and gray. I used the blue for my Monday work page below. You may notice that the blue looks a bit brighter in color than the purple. The difference is that the purple was printed on clear sticker paper while the blue was on solid white.
I spent some time (ok, A LOT of time!) on YouTube learning how to make foiled stickers with my Silhouette and the We R Memory Keepers Foil Quill Accessory Pack. I wanted to permanently foil the lettering on the tabs in my planner with the subject in each section. Since this was more than I had time to figure out, I decided to just make foiled stickers for each tab. This approach actually worked out for the best because in May, I ended up making some changes in the order of the tabs and just having stickers meant it was easy to peal off the old and stick on new. The foil is rose gold, but the photo makes them look more yellow gold. Anyway, this is how they turned out. Super happy with them! 🥰 I may offer these stickers in the store as well.
For the last week of the month I used the blue florals and I changed things up a bit with the dots. I put the blue ones up near the top of each day thinking those could be used for appointments or things going on. The rest of the day would just be to-do items. Cute little switch up. I’ve named the blue set of stickers “Moonsilk” for the sticker store…whenever I get that going.
For work, I came up with these designs.
As you can see, I managed to get thru the month using only Cloth & Paper for my weekly layouts. Progress! 🥰 When I get a chance to pop back on this page and add in my ‘After the Pen’ photos, I think you’ll understand where I’m coming from when I say that the A5 size Dashboard layout is usually not enough space.