March Happy Planner Designs
It’s nearly Spring! Yay!! To celebrate, my March planner spreads are full of Spring colors! I’m more than ready to see natures colors so what better way to get a jump start, than thru my planner. ๐ท
For the first week of the month this spread features stickers mainly from the Happy Planner – Dream Seeker sticker book. I have to admit, the first time I saw the book I put it back on the shelf. I liked the florals and the copper foiled stickers, but I wasn’t a fan of the feathers. Well, it grew on me big time and I decided to give it a try and boy am I glad I did! I also decided to put in a long vertical lined sticker on the left page and decorate around it. If you look at any of my previous months you’ll notice this is different for me. I’ll use it for things I want to get done during the week, but not necessarily on a particular day. I think the lilac purple and light olive green colors go really well together. I LOVE the way it turned out. I’m sure I’ll do it again in the future. In fact, I know I will because after I did this spread I used up a ton of stickers from the sticker book, so I bought another one to have for the future. I couldn’t pass up 70% off at Michaels!
Next up…when I came upon the Happy Planner’s Giant Pastels book with over 2900 stickers in it, the first sheets I noticed had these sea life stickers and I fell in love with how adorable they were. I used quite a few of them, especially for the coral reef area, but it was worth it. I also included some blue foiled washi tape to give it a shimmery effect. I hope the Happy Planner creates more sea creature and animal type stickers in the future, because this one was just plain fun๐ ๐ ๐ฆ ๐!
For the 3rd week of the month… this is when Spring arrives as 19th is the first ‘official’ day! Most of the Stickers for this spread came from the Happy Planner – Spring and Flowers sticker books. The photo may not portray it very well, but the “Bloom where you’re planted” quote is in a hot pink foil. Sooo pretty! ๐ท
This spread had me thinking that it would be nice to have more foil options so I actually wrote The Happy Planner folks and made a suggestion for a sticker book that had foiled boxes … and maybe even foiled “To-Do” type stickers. It could be called “Functional Foils”? ย We’ll see if they go for the idea. They did write me back though and said they would forward the suggestion to the production team. So, Maybe?
In my next spread I toned down the colors using a couple new sticker books. I wrote a separate blog post specifically about it and you can find it here. I absolutely LOVE the colors in this one. ๐งก Being able to change from brights or pastels to toned down color variations is why I switched from a colorful pastel based planner to a neutral one. You can read more about that decision here if that is something you’re interested in doing as well.
For the last week of the month I went back to a colorful pastels and foiled Washi tape. I didn’t realize it at the time, but the color theme is similar to the sea life spread I had done earlier in the month. While I tend to do things more randomly and slightly offset, this ended up giving me clean lines and lots of space for writing.
In addition to my regular planner pages, I also have a fitness and business planner setup where I take months from other planner books and combine them into one planner. The term is called Franken-planning and it allows you to only have to use/carry around one planner. The ability to do this is one of the reasons why I love the Happy Planner products so much. I can swap, add, remove, and change whatever I want.
Anyway, in my fitness section I have pages from my fitness planner. They allow me to track what I am eating, steps, if I’m working out and what I did. I know it’s cumbersome to log your food, weight, water, activity, but I have found it’s been valuable to look back on to see what what works and what doesn’t. I can go back and make some correlations to what I’ve eaten and how I’m feeling as well, so the data is critical. For example, I am trying to narrow down a food allergy so if I have symptoms, I can log them and go back and see what I’ve eaten in the last 24 hours. When this happens enough I can start to see a pattern. I would never be able to do this if I wasn’t tracking my food. ๐๏ธโโ๏ธ
This is a pretty typical fitness page. They are usually bright and colorful. ย The stickers generally come from these two books: Fitness & Healthy Hero.
The spread below is really different than most of my other weeks because I went with a simple black and white theme and added in some rose gold touches. I normally don’t give my fitness spreads a lot of thought, because I just don’t have the time to really glam up everything I do. I grab stickers and whalaa…..I guess this week I spent a little more time on it though and really enjoyed looking at it as I updated my food and activities.
Since I enjoyed glamming up my fitness planner last week, I did it again this week. Only this time I used stickers from the Wild Side sticker book, of which, I detailed more in my April post.
For now, I’ll leave you with just these 3 fitness photos, but I’ll add more soon. ๐ I need to get in the habit of photographing them before I use them. I may also post some after the pens if you’re interested in seeing what I’m eating or my progress.
Have a wonderful day! Now, go be productive….