February Happy Planner and Cloth & Paper Designs
This year has gotten off on the wrong foot with my planning habits. January was a blur of a month and I really didn’t spend a lot of time creating.
Normally, I would have bought my planner back in November or December at the latest, but the Happy Planner didn’t make a Dashboard layout that was neutral this year. Grrrrrr. The only ones in the stores or on their website have a bunch of color in them and I don’t want to have to cover it all every week. You’d think with the outcry from last year about the same problem (too much color), they wouldn’t have done that again. So, while I was trying to figure out how I wanted to plan this year, I pulled out some old expired planners and experimented with them.
This is actually a January layout, but since it’s the only one I created last month, I just put it here. As you can see, I created stickers to update the month view and change the numeric values of the dates on this spread. This Cloth & Paper dashboard was from a subscription box I received back in August 2020. I wanted to try their products over the Summer and see if their pages would accommodate my work tracking, but it just wasn’t enough room so I set them aside.
I knew I needed a planner for 2021, so I decided to pull them back out and try to make these pages work for my personal planning. Other than the obvious lack of neatness that the added date related stickers created, I was really pleased with the way it looks with the deep red Happy Planner floral stickers.
For the first week of February this is what I came up with:
Again, I needed to make some stickers to cover the outdated areas. What I found over the last couple weeks was that I really like the clean, simple look of these Cloth & Paper dashboard pages, but they just don’t give me enough room for ToDo items. You know, the kind of items that need to get done, but not on a specific day. I like having a place for a ‘master ToDo list’. Also, there is no room for errands or to keep track of the housework I want to get done. I could put some of those items on separate sheets somewhere else in the planner, but I prefer to have them all at one glance. Maybe I need to find or make a half sheet?
So for the 2nd week of the month, I pulled out a spare 2020 Happy Planner Dashboard planner that I had. I picked it up early last year for a couple bucks from a clearance bin at Hobby Lobby. The rings alone are worth more than I paid for the planner. It’s identical to the one I used most of last year, and I did use a couple weeks out of it when I messed up or just didn’t like the spread I did and wanted a do-over. It’ll do, but I still had to make stickers to cover the dates.
For the 3rd week of the month I decided to pull out some pages from an old Happy Planner Horizontal Planner. Was nice to get back to the beginning, where the real fun and more serious Happy Planner Journey started.
These are the stickers / sticker books I used and made for it.
For the last week of the month I went back to my Cloth & Paper inserts. Lately, I notice myself going back to them more often, even though they don’t suit all of my needs every week. I think I just like the simplicity, and lack of color, which gives me more creative freedom. They also fit in my A5 so that means everything is all in one place.
Then this is what I made for my work week:
That’s it for this month. I was all over the place with my planning style, yet again. Want to see more of my indecisiveness? Check out my March designs. 🤪