Tips For Getting Things Done
Whether you are new to trying to get more accomplished and need some tools to get you started or you’re a seasoned pro that just needs a reminder, the tips below may help you gain control of your productivity.
1) Just Start. Research shows that if you can just get started on something for 5 minutes, that 80% of us will keep going. This is especially important for procrastinators and perfectionists to understand. You don’t need a detailed plan or to wait until things are perfect. Just do something!
2) Make a list. I know this seems obvious, but there are still folks that insist on keeping it all in their heads. Writing things down keeps one of two things from happening. First, you’ll forget it completely or second, it will continue floating around in your head and take up precious brain power. Also, the act of crossing things off your list will give you a sense of accomplishment which propels you to do more -TADA! Ah.. Momentum…. You can think me later. Lists can be paper or electronic – whichever works for you!
3) Set a timer. When I have a lot to do and some of it will take a greater length of time, I use a timer. Use your watch, your phone, the timer on your stove – whatever works for you. I find that if I need to dedicate time to my business, a course I’m taking, or getting through a bunch of email, if I set a timer for 1 hour for whichever thing is most important, I not only get going on it, but also feel a sense of urgency and tend to get more accomplished.
4) Prioritize. Do what is most important first. Ask yourself, “What do I need to do today that is most critical or will set up the rest of my day for success?” Then do it first or as early in the day as possible. If you feel the need to put it off, go back and read tip #1 again.
5) Focus on 1 thing at a time. In todays world we are inundated with distractions. Of all the suggestions in this list, this is the one I struggle with the most and I know I’m not alone. Anyone with kids, a spouse, pets, a cell phone or just a busy life experiences this ALL. THE. TIME. In order for the first 4 suggestions on this list to be effective, you have to practice putting your mindset back into the zone you are trying to stay in. It takes effort.
For example, if I have declared that I need to start on a list item today (say, writing a blog post?), because it’s my biggest priority and I’ve set my timer to dedicate 1 hour to it and the dog whines to go out, that has effectively pulled me of my zone. This one distraction will prompt me to get up and let the dog out, but while I’m up I will see that one of my kids left the TV on so I go find the remote and turn it off. While doing that, I see popcorn on the rug from movie night the night before, which prompts me to walk across the house to get the Dyson so I can clean that up. But, the Dyson is clogged thanks to my daughter who used it last, so now I’m headed to the garage to get something to unclog it. While in the garage, I notice that the garbage stinks and I open the door to air it out, which allows me to see the mailbox and then decide to go collect the mail….Anyway, you get the picture and can see where all the mundane tasks that I felt I needed to complete just ate up 20 or more minutes of the hour I dedicated to something that was more important. In a busy home or even at the office, you can see how this distracted behavior can eat up an entire day if you let it and this is exactly how when we reflect back on our day and think “Geez, I was busy all day, but nothing really got accomplished” happens. I’m not saying that you need to ignore the mundane tasks, because we all know those little things need to get done as well, but it can wait for another block of time.
What I should have done in my example was to let the dog out and go right back to my blog writing. When my hour (or whatever block of time I chose) was up, I could then decide to keep going or stop and work on something else. The point is, I would have made progress on something more important.
I’d love you hear about your tips and tricks for staying productive!

Kirsty Bell
These are so useful. Thanks so much for sharing. I will definitely be giving a few of these a go.
Stacy Calderone
Hi Kirsty! Thank-you so much… I’m glad they are helpful and wish you the best in implementing some of them! 🙂
Sandra Riguzzi
I needed this right now!
Stacy Calderone
Glad I could help, Sandy! Best of luck to you in all you need to get done!
I’m going to try implementing this! Thanks!
Stacy Calderone
Thanks for the comment!! Best of luck on your path to greatness!! 🙂