My First Horizontal Planner Layout
It’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything on here. I stopped while I made some big changes to site design/layout and I was also trying to decide what direction I wanted to take my blog in. Since I’ve missed writing, I decided to just keep going with the current plan and see where things go. In the meantime, I’ve spent the last few months trying to figure out what 2020 planner to use. It’s been rather stressful this year since I decided I wanted to change from a vertical layout to horizontal. The challenge was that I couldn’t find a horizontal planner that didn’t have a lot of color. Now, don’t get me wrong…I LOVE color, but I want to be the one to create with it and not feel tethered to the same super bright or pastel layout for the next year. So that meant finding a planner that was neutral or even better, black text and lines only. Well, The Happy Planner didn’t make one this year. Anyway, as the end of the year drew closer I was starting to panic because I really didn’t want to make my own planner pages.
When I got desperate I turned to Ebay….and I found it….well sort of. I found a 2019-2020 18 month planner with a horizontal layout with an accent color of peach. Fortunately, there isn’t much peach and if I can’t incorporate it into my design that week, I can cover it with stickers. This is the cover of the planner I found if you are having the same issue:
This is what a typical page looks like:
Thus far I’ve been covering the peach areas and creating a new label for the Month area if the Peach color doesn’t align with my color theme.
And here is my first horizontal layout… I am in LOVE with this format!!
I know in the past I’ve written about how I was hesitant to use too many stickers because I needed the space to actually write down what I need to get done. So when I first created this page it was going to be a test run to see if space was an issue. I also decided to add a supplementary page to each week so that I could add the other things that I wanted to keep track of, but don’t need done on a specific day, like my Meal Plan and a Master ToDo List. With the supplementary page I found that there haven’t been too many times when I ran out of space and so I plan to continue to use this format because I enjoy looking at the designs when I am working in my planner. 🙂
The supplementary page came from a skinny Happy Planner. Again, I didn’t want colorful sheets and the only place I could find sheets without color was in this skinny planner:
I didn’t want to buy a whole planner when I only needed the sheets inside, but I found it at Joann on a Doorbuster for 60% off, which was cheaper than the sheets would have been. I just take a sheet out of it each week and add it to my weekly planner. I think the planner is super cute though! This is what a typical supplementary sheet looks like front & back:
I decorate the supplemental page a little to go along with the theme of the weekly spread as well. I keep the weeks meals on there. We don’t always follow the order of them because we are a big, active teen & adult family and if most of the kids won’t be home for dinner because they have other things going on, I may change the meal to something else on the list. I keep my Master ToDo List on there and then on the back I list out my errands and check boxes for other things that need my attention regularly.
By the end of the week this is what it looks like (with and without the supplementary sheet):
So that’s it for today! If you are deciding to go Horizontal, without a set color scheme, you may need to improvise too.