About Me
Why is it so hard to write about yourself?
Welp, I’m a quiet gal, a true Introvert. Married, 4 kids with 2 of them being step sons. All but one of our kids is grown, the youngest is in high school. I worked for AT&T for 27 years. I started at the bottom with an entry level job ( I couldn’t even type then) and worked my way up the ladder until I met my goal of becoming a Network Engineer. YEARS of hard work went into it, including obtaining a Telecom Degree while raising my family. I loved my job and was loyal to the company, even when their reputation wasn’t the best. I always strived to be the person that solved problems for the company… to be helpful. I hoped to retire from there one day, but I was laid off along with thousands of others in December 2016. The months after leaving that job where some of the most emotionally painful I’ve ever experienced. That company was part of my identity.
Eventually, I pulled up my big girl pants and decided that I was going to reinvent myself to the point that when I looked back on my job loss, it would appear that it was meant to be and was all worthwhile. I’m not there yet, but I do believe I’m close.
Since then, I’ve been called back to the phone company a couple times to help with short term projects. It’s been a blessing. I’ve been able to work and help support my family and still have time to focus on building the future I envision. I decided to try blogging with the idea in mind that I could be helpful to others.
Some of my hobbies and interests include reading health and self-help books, researching, sewing, crafting, landscaping, home improvement, and car detailing. I would much rather spend my time learning, doing and accomplishing that I would watching TV. For me idle time, is wasted time. I am a HUGE pet lover and dog-mom to a Doberman . Dogs and kids are my soft-spot and I will advocate for them since they cannot do it for themselves. Here’s my fur-son, Sarge.
Well, I think that’s me in a nutshell. I’m glad you’re here and I hope that something here has helped you in some way.